The Chippewa name for Goldenrod
is gizisomukiki, meaning "sun medicine", as it holds a multitude of healing properties. I recently returned from Allegheny, PA with a bundle.
Merino, cotton twine, wool skein, mohair
Cats like to help out when it comes to balls of string
Mordant of Alum & Cream of Tartar: helpful ingredients to your magick potion
Separated flowers from stems
Wool in mordant: bring to slow boil, let simmer for 2-3 hrs, cool overnight
Goldenrod is covered in water, brought to boil for 2-3 hrs, let cool overnight
The dye-bath is ready! Yields a dark brown tea color.
Should result in a golden yellow with the Alum mordant...
Sun Medicine, drying in the sun
Gathered these Sumac berries on a hike yesterday.
They soaked in water over night, then boiled for 1hr.